Traveling by rail, the most sustainable public transport

Traveling by rail, the most sustainable public transport

🚄🚇🤔 Did you know that besides walking and biking, traveling by train within cities or across long distances releases the least amount of greenhouse gasses into the air out of all forms of transportation? Regardless if electric or diesel-powered, trains emit between 66 and 75 percent fewer carbon emissions when compared to cars and airplanes. Grandma Sita holds a transit card, which is used for transportation systems such as buses, subways, and trains, and can only be used within the transit system’s network.

📗The world’s first rapid transit system was the partially underground Metropolitan Railway which opened in 1863 using steam locomotives and now forms part of the London Underground. 

👵💚 Grandma Sita’s tips:
*Greater use of sustainable transport – walking, wheeling, cycling, and public transport – provides us with opportunities for physical activity and reduces the harm to health from motorized vehicles such as pollution and road traffic collisions.
*Remember, switching to walking, skateboarding, or cycling for more of our shorter journeys helps to protect biodiversity and is a way to good health. Win-win! 
*By opting for public transportation, bicycles, and walking tours instead of taxis or rental cars, tourists support locals and reduce their environmental impact. Be a responsible traveler and make a positive impact! Together, let’s create unforgettable experiences while preserving our beautiful destinations.

🌍 Public transportation systems, such as buses, trams, and trains, play a crucial role in reducing traffic congestion and carbon emissions. A well-developed public transport system is characterized by affordability, high station density, and robust rail infrastructure. It must provide mobility and accessibility to all urban residents in a safe and environment-friendly mode of transport.

📍Prague Metro, Prague – Czech Republic.

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