Tomato marmalade (aka jam)

Tomato marmalade (aka jam)

🍅🤔 Did you know how not to waste ripe tomatoes from the garden? Freezing is the easiest long-term storage for ripe tomatoes with and without skins. They can be frozen raw or cooked, whole, sliced, chopped, or puréed. But because freezing changes the texture, don’t expect to use them in a salad or sandwich. 

🌱😋 This easy tomato marmalade recipe is what you need to make with ripe tomatoes left. Sweet, jammy, and slightly spiced is the perfect jam for a dip or spread.


¾ kg ripe red tomatoes
¼ kg sour apples
2 lemons (125g approx)
½ kg sugar


1. Peel and cut into small pieces apples and tomatoes. Wash the lemons and cut them into thin slices.
2. Add all the ingredients to a heavy bottom saucepan and bring the mixture to a boil stirring frequently.
3. Reduce the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the mixture has thickened to the consistency of jam.
4. Remove from the heat and allow to cool to room temperature, pour the jam into the jar and store in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.

Marmalade is a fruit preserve made from the juice and peel of citrus fruits boiled with sugar and water.

🧓🏻❤️ Grandma Sita’s tips:
*To lengthen the lifespan of summer tomatoes, store them on the kitchen counter at room temperature and turn them shoulders down out of direct sunlight. There are many ways to store tomatoes, you can dry, can, freeze, grill, and stuff them.

*Ripe tomatoes are incredibly versatile and provide much flavor and juiciness whether roasted, marinated, blended into a soup, turned into a chutney, or eaten raw. And there is no line about what you can make tomatoes into main dishes, appetizers, or even desserts!

📗 Marmalade is a fruit preserve made from the juice and peel of citrus fruits boiled with sugar and water. Its consistency is a bit chunky with bits of fruit and citrus peel. Usually, people spread it on bread or toast and eat it as part of their breakfast.

♻️ Nearly half of all fruits and veggies produced globally are wasted yearly. So what if you could do one thing to reduce food waste in your kitchen? All of us can act at home to reduce our waste and every single one counts. Make marmalade, not waste!

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