cauliflower // Vegetable

🌱🍕🍚🤔 Did you know that cauliflower is a low-calorie, gluten-free alternative to flour and rice? Pizza dough made from cauliflower flour and rice made from grated cauliflower florets are delicious plant-based meals. What else can this vegetable offer?
💪 Eating raw cauliflower provides maximum vitamin C content, but cooking cauliflower allows your body to absorb more nutrients, such as vitamin K and potassium. Cauliflower is fat-free, cholesterol-free and it’s low in sodium.
👩🍳 A fresh cauliflower should have a crisp texture and a mild nutty taste. Cauliflower is a versatile ingredient that adds tasty flavor and a delightful texture to many dishes. Cauliflower heads can be roasted, grilled, boiled, fried, steamed, pickled, or eaten raw. Time to try Grandma Sita’s delicious plant-based salad/soup recipes with cauliflower here recipes-soups-salads
👵💚 Grandma Sita’s tips:
*You can eat cauliflower leaves and thick stalks. They’re just as edible as the cauliflower stems or florets (the immature flowers of the plant) we usually cook up. Don’t throw them away, cauliflower leaves and thick stalks can be used for composting.
*The best way to get the longest shelf life out of cauliflower is to refrigerate it. This slows down the spoiling process and gives you more days of freshness.
📗Like broccoli, cauliflower is part of the Brassica oleracea family, which also includes cabbage, kale, collard greens, and Brussels sprouts. The word cauliflower derives from the Italian “cavolfiore”, meaning cabbage flower. Cauliflower is the result of selective breeding and likely arose in the Mediterranean region, possibly from broccoli.
♻️ There are hundreds of commercial varieties used around the world. When you buy locally produced food, you support your farmers and communities. Remember, local food is picked in the last 24 hours, and seasonal food is picked at its peak taste.
🌎 Eating local and seasonal fruits and vegetables helps to reduce food waste, saves resources, improves food quality and healthy habits, and boosts the local economy.