Advert Calendar, tips for a sustainable Christmas

Advert Calendar, tips for a sustainable Christmas

πŸ—“οΈπŸŽ„Countdown to Christmas! Grandma Sita’s Advent Calendar is here! Celebrating Christmas in an eco-friendly and zero-waste manner is fun, affordable, and delicious. It also represents a significant step towards reducing our environmental footprint while enjoying this popular holiday. It’s a win-win! 🌱🍽️ Christmas celebrations vary…

Chestnut // fruit

Chestnut // fruit

πŸŒ±πŸ‚πŸŒ° It’s time to enjoy roasted chestnuts! Chestnuts are in season from autumn through to winter. Did you know how to avoid the chestnut from exploding in the oven? Just cut a deep slit into the shell before roasting. When the chestnuts are well-toasted, wrap…

Quince // fruit

Quince // fruit

β„οΈπŸπŸ€” Like apples and pears, quinces are in season during the autumn. They are harvested in late autumn, before the first frosts. Did you know that ripe raw quince can keep frozen for a year? Placed pieces of unpeeled quinces in the freezer until you…

Persimmon, Alternative to Halloween Pumpkins // fruit

Persimmon, Alternative to Halloween Pumpkins // fruit

πŸŒ±πŸ‘» Boo! Happy Halloween from Grandma Sita’s ghost! These adorable persimmon fruit pumpkins are a healthy treat perfect for the spooky night of the year. Ready to Trick or Fruit?  πŸŽƒ Get creative making fun, artistic and healthy Jack-o’-lanterns by drawing pumpkin faces on seasonal…

Halloween Pumpkin // vegetable (botanically a fruit)

Halloween Pumpkin // vegetable (botanically a fruit)

πŸŒ±πŸŽƒ Did you know that Halloween pumpkin waste is frighteningly delicious? Instead of throwing pumpkin scraps in the bin, keep them as leftovers and use them in sweet and savoury plant-based dishes like curries, soups, desserts, and baked treats. Nothing will go to waste in…

Chili pepper // vegetable (botanically a fruit)

Chili pepper // vegetable (botanically a fruit)

πŸŒ±πŸŒΆοΈπŸ€” When you think of fruit, apples, peaches, and pears come to mind. But how about chili peppers? Chili peppers like tomatoes, technically speaking, are classified as berry fruit, not vegetables. These versatile, gorgeous tinny berries can be used in various ways and add spiciness,…

Carrot // vegetable

Carrot // vegetable

🌱πŸ₯•πŸ€”Did you know why fresh carrots tend to turn from crunchy to rubbery? Limp-wilted carrots are just dehydrated, so no waste them! Grandma Sita has an easy kitchen hack to revive them: submerge carrots in cool water in a container, and place it in the…

Grape // fruit

Grape // fruit

πŸŒ±πŸ‡πŸ€” Did you know that freezing is the best way to keep grapes fresh longer? Wash and dry small clusters of grapes, transfer them to an airtight container, and store them in the freezer. Plus, you can eat the sweet, icy grapes straight from the…

Raspberry //  fruit

Raspberry // fruit

πŸŒ±πŸ“πŸ€” Did you know that raspberry leaves can be used fresh or dried in herbal teas? Surprisingly, raspberry leaves do not taste like raspberries but instead have a slightly bitter and tangy flavor that many associate with traditional black teas. And what else can this…

Pear // fruit

Pear // fruit

Β πŸŒ±πŸπŸ€” Did you know the best way to eat a pear is unpeeled? The skin contains most of the nutrients, especially fiber and antioxidants. Make sure to wash it thoroughly before eating. However, the core of a pear is inedible because the seeds contain a…