Brøl, World’s 1st Circular Brewery // Upcycled food

Brøl, World’s 1st Circular Brewery // Upcycled food

🍺 Grandma Sita very much enjoyed being at the “Copenhagen Food Meet-Up” organised by the amazing project of BRØL and meeting so many like-minded food lovers. 💚

➡️ BRØL is a food-tech company spearheaded by the world’s 1st circular beer and brewery.

♻️ They focus on CIRCULARITY, taking care of people, water, ingredients and energy at every step of the process of making craft beer!

🍌🥐 They use surplus ingredients and wild plants as a base for their beers! Vegetables like beetroots or ripe bananas, coffee grains, leftover sourdough bread and even unsold pastries are part of the recipes of BRØL’s beers.

🤓 Find out more about BRØL here. 👉

📢🇩🇰 Every year, 814,000 tons of food go into the trash in Denmark and cost Danish society DKK 8.4 billion, this also causes the emission of 1.8 million tonnes of CO2 due to food waste.

📊 The food waste comes from both producers and food companies, which account for a share of 55 percent, it comes from consumers, who account for 30 percent of Denmark’s total food waste and it comes from the service sector and retail, which accounts for 17 percent. So it is everyone’s problem – and not just a problem at home with consumers.

🤓 Download the full report by ONE\THIRD here 👉

It is possible to reduce waste and side streams that are in the food value chain with the help of innovative ideas and solutions.

Upcycled products prevent food waste by creating new, high-quality products out of surplus food.

🌎 Upcycled food is an innovative approach to food waste because it is the first consumer product-based solution, making it highly scalable and economically sustainable. Win-win!

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